Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Shanghai Part 2

Here are some random pictures of our time in Shanghai.  Andrew took most of these pictures.  It was fun going through his pictures and see China from his perspective.  I think I may have him do a post on his experience.        

Lion are everywhere.

There were sculptures and art everywhere.  They really take pride in beautifying  their  city.  I'm not sure this can be said for all of Shanghai though.  We were in a very affluent area and they may have made a huge difference.  
A little park close to our hotel.  A few grassy areas and several ponds and waterfalls.
They use bamboo for everything.  Not sure I would feel safe standing on this.  
We saw several people carrying enormous load on bike and motorcycles.    I wish we would've taken a picture of one carrying water because it was amazing.  They load 10-15 5gal water bottles on a bicycle and manage to balance it perfectly.  
This was a frequent sight.  A large group of men gathered together for some card game.
Someone asked about street signs.
Danny and Andrew were fascinated by this building.  I'm not sure why, but since they devoted so much of our time at People's Park talking about it, I figured it was worth a picture.